
The BearFoot Faith Podcast

NO, that’s not a misspelling…….

Where ferocious faith meets the wild + free spirit in you! David had a “heart after God”, Daniel had an “excellent” spirit and Caleb had a “different” spirit in him. These men were chosen by God because they had unconventional faith! I’m here to discuss biblical topics about inner healing and mindsets within the church. Your faith might look different on the outside but on the inside you care deeply for you and your children’s well-being, education, faith, and character. You care so deeply that you’re willing to suffer the stigma because you’re called to break generational cycles!


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My podcast recording setup.

In a 600 sq. foot house, there are not many places to go for complete silence. And even in my “recording studio” I usually have a grunting or crying baby wrapped around me while I lock myself inside the bedroom and then in the closet so the kids can’t find me and it doesn’t echo or pick up any background noise. In fact, it’s so quiet in there that the mic doesn’t even pick up the 3-year-old that’s banging on the door and screaming at me!

At other times during my season of living small, I’ve set up the pain stool in front of the changing table and set my computer up there. It’s all in a day’s work! 

Most Popular Episode:

Childhood Vaccines with Jennifer Dean


Before I moved into focusing on inner healing I focused on parenting…..
Jennifer is back this time to talk about vaccines! She is a mom and a lactation consultant and childbirth educator. Her background is in kinesiology and she was a former biology teacher so she has a natural interest in vaccines.

In this episode, she shares her knowledge about childhood vaccines and how you, as a parent can make informed decisions.

Most Popular Recent Episode:

Ep. 49 | Why Telling Your Story Matters: The Hemorrhaging Woman Told Her Story- Share Your Testimony!


Sometimes sharing your story can be intimidating. What is holding you back?

The woman with the issue of blood stood in front of Jesus in fear and trembling and shared her entire story with Jesus. But why did she need to share her story with Jesus if He already knew her whole story?

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